Relax in the warmth and exquisite delicacies of the old-fashioned shopping street

 A butcher shop and a yakitori shop next door to each other are bored with their free time and are chatting with each other. Listening carefully, it seems that they are meeting to discuss an upcoming drinking party. The shopping street itself is a social gathering place for the people of the town.

 One of the more enjoyable aspects of the shopping street is the succession of delicious smells coming from the side dish shops. From the yakitori shops, you can smell the aroma of charcoal-grilled chicken. Customers are drawn to the stores without end. A customer says, “I’ll have five each of negima, hatsu (pork cutlet), and liver. Yakitori will grace the dining table this evening. Perhaps it is for the evening meal. If an eel restaurant serves grilled skewers, it is very difficult for many customers to pass by. Some people buy a few skewers and eat them while walking around after preparing beer at a liquor store. This is the best kind of food.

 Fried food shops are also irresistible. Where do the appetizing looks of karaage, menchikatsu, and tonkatsu come from? It is probably because they are handmade, no matter how you look at it. In fact, in the back of the store, you can sometimes see them cooking in deep, blackened pots. It’s a thirst-quencher. Sometimes, when the owner was in a good mood, he would give us an extra small piece of fried chicken on a nail filet. Another thing I mustn’t forget are the croquettes at the butcher shop. All the stores are undoubtedly good. I wonder if someone could study the reason for this.

Fried chicken, yakitori, croquettes, and other items are all reasonably priced = in the Jujo Ginza shopping arcade.

 There is something strange about the smells in the shopping district. The smells are not mixed together, but rather they are beautifully separated and waft through the air. Fried food, simmered food ……. When passing by a fish shop, there is indeed a smell of seafood, but it is not unpleasant and does not spread around. The author personally likes the smell of fishmongers.

 Probably the locals must decide what they are going to eat for dinner when they leave home before they go shopping. If they pass through the shopping street in the evening when they are just starting to get hungry, they are bound to lose their judgment on what to buy. If I am not careful, I often end up buying too much.

Just seeing the word “SALE” makes me feel excite= in the Suamachi Ginza shopping arcade.



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